Business Parks have also reached out to other businesses surrounding them to share recently installed HeartSafe® cabinets and defibrillators. Redhill Farm Business Park, North Bristol is one such location. The owners and managers of the site, the caring Ford family installed a HeartSafe® public access defibrillator with HeartSine 500P in their extensive commercial premises, formerly part of Redhill Farm. An onsite training programme in the use of a defibrillator and CPR was also undertaken adhering to social distance guidelines. In Bishop Sutton, near the Mendip Hills south of Bristol, 2 further HeartSafe® cabinets are to be installed before Christmas as part of the Westway Farm development which will be offering rural offices to the residents of the Chew Valley.
Despite the difficulties the pandemic has inflicted on our lives throughout the UK, many communities have continued to place HeartSafe® cabinets and defibrillators strategically amongst their neighbourhoods. This will ensure rapid help can be at hand for local people to obtain a defibrillator through their public access defibrillator site.
The Island of Guernsey is a prime example of how an active group of volunteers have made Guernsey HeartSafe® with over 30 cabinets installed, protecting the Island. If you need inspiration in these difficult times and wish to help your fellow friends/neighbours, take a look at how the Cardiac Action Group have safeguarded the lives of the people of Guernsey and visitors. Cardiac Action Group Defibrillator Cabinets https://cag.org.gg/pads-aeds/aed-locations-guernsey/