Supplying The UK With The Best British Defibrillators On The Market Since 2008
A British company, HeartSafe AED Locator, the foremost PAD installer in the UK recommends HeartSine Technologies Ltd, the UK’s only defibrillator manufacturer with a range of life-saving Samaritan® AEDs
We are committed to building an army of lifesavers on the golf course. We won’t stop until every golf club has installed at least one defibrillator on site and registered it with The Circuit.
Heartsafe is delighted to announce that the Royal College of Podiatry has chosen the Heartsine Samaritan 500P defibrillator as their professionally approved defibrillator and recommends it to their members.
If your community does not have quick and easy access to a defibrillator, a life could be lost unnecessarily. Don’t delay!
Store your defibrillator externally for easily accessible to the public
Effortlessly transport your defibrillator to not be caught out in an emergency
Store your defibrillator internally for use in emergency situations
Pad paks, medical kits and signage. Consumables you may need to save a life
The AED Locator map lists the closest defibrillators near you in your business, sports club, school or community. First, search and find your nearest defibrillator location using your postcode in case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).
The map is to encourage people to learn where their nearest defibrillator is, in advance of ever needing to use one in an emergency.
CPR Advisor Tech Note
SCOPE Tech Note
IP56 Tech Note
HeartSine Connected SAM 350P/360P data sheet
HeartSine SAM 350P/360P data sheet
Heartsine Connected SAM 500P Data Sheet
HeartSine SAM 500P data sheet