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Bleed Kit

Lifesaving Bleed Control Kits launched across Avon and Somerset

Avon and Somerset Police have teamed up with NHS South West and defibrillator supplier HeartSafe to deliver the kits in Bristol, Somerset, Bath and Gloucestershire.

It’s hoped the kits will go some way in preventing the “tragic loss of life” on the streets.

Whilst installed as part of the police’s work to tackle the loss of life from knife crime, these kits can help anyone suffering a traumatic bleed, whether it’s a road traffic collision, fall, or other traumatic injury

They include scissors, dressings and gauze, gloves and an instruction guide.

A number of life-saving bleed control kits, designed to control bleeding after someone suffers a traumatic injury, have started to be installed within local communities across Avon and Somerset. Avon and Somerset Police are working with NHS England South West and HeartSafe to install bleed kits across the region, which includes Bristol, Somerset, North Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset, and South Gloucestershire. The kits, which will be installed onto the side of existing HeartSafe defibrillators, will be instantly accessible in an emergency where someone has suffered a traumatic injury. They include trauma dressings and tourniquets to help manage bleeds as well as nitrile gloves, scissors, and a colour-coded instruction guide on what to use depending on where and what type of injury the person is suffering from. People should always call 999 and ask for the ambulance service in a life-threatening emergency, but these kits are designed to be easy-to-use in the moments immediately after a medical emergency to help the injured person until an ambulance or first-responder arrives on scene.

‘We know we cannot police our way out of serious violence, it has to be a partnership approach, not just between us and our partners in health and social care, but also with members of our communities who can play a key part in helping us. We employ a number of different tactics to deal with knife crime and prevent it at the source but in the unfortunate event that a person is seriously injured, we hope that these kits will go some way to preventing tragic loss of life.”

Avon and Somerset Police’s Knife Crime Lead, Chief Inspector, Mike Vass


The project was first initiated by Clive Setter from HeartSafe, allowing their successful work in installing public defibrillators across the UK.

Clive said: “I am pleased to announce another public safety initiative for HeartSafe, now partnering with Avon and Somerset Police assisting people suffering major blood loss wounds to receive immediate help from members of the community around them. The bleed kits will provide some initial emergency aid to those in need before an ambulance arrives at the incident and will help to avoid a potentially tragic outcome.”

Whilst this partnership initiative is part of Avon and Somerset Police’s work around serious violence and knife crime, the bleed control kits are there to be used in any incident in which a person is suffering from a catastrophic bleed.


“NHS ambulance crews and trauma teams do a great job when confronted with a patient who’s losing a lot of blood, but we wanted to go further in those crucial minutes when an ambulance was still on its way. That’s why we’re so pleased to fund bleed kits, so the police and community partners can get them to the right places to save lives many of them young.”

NHS England’s South West Medical Director, Dr Michael Marsh


The installation complements work carried out by the police service to tackle knife crime, with over 4,000 weapons being surrendered into knife surrender bins installed to encourage young people to safely discard of their weapons. Work with local Violence Reduction Partnerships (VRPs) is also engaging young people and children in early intervention and diversion projects, to prevent knife carrying, as well as other types of crime and harm. The VRPs are a multi-agency partnership with a public health approach to reducing violence. They focus on understanding the causes and the reasons people get drawn into crime, so they can intervene early and help the young people to stay away from criminal activity. Through this partnership, workshops have been rolled out across secondary schools in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, and North Somerset to encourage young people to report if they know someone is carrying a knife. The Blunt Truth workshops are delivered to students in Year’s 8 and 9 and educate students on the dangers and consequences of carrying a weapon, and how to administer emergency first-aid in the event of a stabbing. The programme is led by the police, NHS, South Western Ambulance Service, and Great Western Air Ambulance Charity and has been delivered to over 2,800 young people since 2021.

If there is the threat of immediate danger, or a crime is taking place, always call 999 immediately. Alternatively, you can give information 100 per cent anonymously by contacting Fearless, the dedicated youth service of the independent charity Crimestoppers. They cannot track where the information has come from, and you will not be contacted by the police. You can send information to Fearless using their online form at or by calling 0800 555 111.


Avon & Somerset Police Bleed Kit Initiative

Are you a Business/Council/Charity organisation and you wish to provide funds to help your Community with Public freely available Bleed Kits?

Join us to help our neighbourhoods and we will install and provide future Monitoring and Replacement of consumables.

To find out more, please complete the short form and notify us that you would like to be involved in the Avon & Somerset Police bleed kit scheme, and we will confirm how we can help. Please expect a reply within 5 working days.

Avon and Somerset Police joined up with HeartSafe and NHS England South West to install over 100 bleed kits across their force area and raise awareness.

Join The Bleed Kit Initiative


Get In Touch

Fill out the form or give us a call and one of our team of advisers will get back to you

Bleed Kit Contact Us


Avon & Somerset Police Bleed Kit Initiative

Avon and Somerset Police have embarked on a collaborative effort with HeartSafe and NHS England South-West. This partnership marks a significant advancement in public health and safety, focused on the crucial goal of providing immediate aid in emergency situations. Highlighting our collective commitment to safeguarding communities, this initiative bridges vital resources with local needs.


Our Mission

A simple, easy to understand kit of life-saving essentials designed for use under 999 guidance to help treat a catastrophic trauma patient until emergency services arrive.

Developed with the support of the NHS and 999 emergency services, this kit is designed to include essentials for use by untrained members of the public.

Avon and Somerset Police have joined up with HeartSafe and NHS England South-West to launch a joint initiative to place Emergency Bleed Kits in local communities.

To date, the partnership has funded over 500 bleed kits either attached to existing HeartSafe defibrillator cabinets, or wall mounted in prominent locations across the Avon and Somerset region.  This allows the public immediate access to lifesaving equipment should a person suffer a catastrophic bleed.

Our Principles...

Avon and Somerset Police joined up with HeartSafe and NHS England South West to install over 100 bleed kits across their force area and raise awareness.

Managing Essential Bleed Kits for the Future

Avon and Somerset Police have agreed a legacy fund for the ongoing management and replacement of these kits

This is not a one-off ‘fit and forget’ tick-the-box provision…

Our Bleed Kit Partnership Brochure

For a comprehensive overview of the Community Bleed Kit Partnership initiative, we invite you to download our detailed brochure. Inside, you’ll find in-depth information about the initative’s goals, benefits, and how you can get involved in making our communities safer.

Local Partnerships

Welcome to our dedicated page on local partnerships, where we highlight the collaborative efforts between our organisation, private companies, and local councils. These alliances are pivotal in propelling our scheme forward, demonstrating our collective commitment to progress without relying on government funding.

Our Partnerships

Our initiative to enhance public safety through the availability of emergency bleed kits has taken a significant step forward thanks to strategic partnerships across various sectors. Our collaborations exemplifies our mission to embed life-saving resources within community infrastructures. 


The Mall is the largest regional shopping and leisure hub in the South-West of England.  Though our partnership with HeartSafe we have been able to connect and engage this key location to the scheme adding 9 kits across the site.

All of these kits were funded and will be managed by the Mall on an ongoing basis.

This is one of several partnerships we have created with private organisations and local councils to help move this scheme forwards without government funding.

View more Local Partnerships

Bleed Kits installed in Dronfield

Dronfield Town Council are pleased to support the Dronfield Rotary Club with their Bleed Kit project. The Rotary Club have…

RRT UK and Bristol Rovers Community Trust Join The Partnership

Welcome To The PartnershipRRT UK and Bristol Rovers New Bleed Kit Installed at The Memorial Stadium by RRT and Avon…

Welcome To Our WebsiteCommunity Bleed Kits

A new life saving initiative to help safeguard your neighbourhood.

Use our Bleed Kit map to find the closest bleed kit in your community to empower you in an emergency.

We have developed a clear and best-practice set of instructions designed to be easily followed by individuals.

Avon and Somerset Police are able to offer a legacy fund for bleed kits ensuring they are available for communities.

This Bleed Kit Dispenser can be installed onto the side of the HeartSafe Defibrillator Cabinet.

The Bleed Kit Model 2 is designed for easy wall installation on either internal or external buildings and includes a community bleed kit pouch.

The Community Bleed Kit is designed for simple fitting with a highly visible dispenser and clear instructions,  supplied with window/wall information labels.

Bleed Kit Locator Map

The Bleed Kit locator map offers the public the opportunity to check in their community where bleed kits are closest to your place of home or work. The map identifies kits that are registered by their owners throughout the UK and are listed on the map as they are happy to share access in the event of an emergency. Anyone owning or providing a bleed kit to their community can freely register it’s availability here.

The map is to encourage people to learn the whereabouts of their nearest bleed kit dispenser in advance of ever needing to use one in an emergency. Having this knowledge will save time once you ring 999 and make contact with the emergency services.

REMEMBER, in an emergency always report the event immediately to the Ambulance Service…

Call 999 and follow their instructions.

Our Mission

Avon and Somerset Police have joined up with HeartSafe and NHS England South-West to launch a joint initiative to place Emergency Bleed Kits in local communities.

To date, the partnership has funded over 500 bleed kits either attached to existing HeartSafe defibrillator cabinets, or wall mounted in prominent locations across the Avon and Somerset region.  This allows the public immediate access to lifesaving equipment should a person suffer a catastrophic bleed.

In a vital effort to enhance public safety and emergency responsiveness, a new initiative has been launched aiming to deliver bleed kits into the hands of the general public.

These kits are designed to provide immediate, lifesaving intervention for individuals experiencing severe bleeding due to traumatic injuries. Strategically placed in highly visible red dispensers, these trauma kits will be accessible free of charge across a range of public spaces and within key business premises such as entertainment venues, pubs, restaurants, shops, and clubs, ensuring that critical first aid is available even before medical professionals arrive on the scene.

The project, a collaborative endeavor initiated by Avon and Somerset Police in response to violent crime, goes beyond just the distribution of bleed kits. It includes an educational component where police may offer training at venues equipped with these kits, thereby raising awareness and cultivating the skills necessary for effective emergency interventions. This comprehensive approach aims to empower individuals across the community to act swiftly and effectively in life-threatening situations, whether they arise from violent incidents, traffic collisions, or other forms of severe injury, making a significant contribution to public safety and health.


Our Bleed Kit Partnership Brochure

For a comprehensive overview of the Community Bleed Kit Partnership initiative, we invite you to download our detailed brochure. Inside, you’ll find in-depth information about the initative’s goals, benefits, and how you can get involved in making our communities safer.

Managing Bleed Kits for the future

Avon and Somerset Police have agreed a legacy fund for the ongoing management and replacement of these kits.


This not a one-off “fit and forget’ tick-the-box provision… 

Local Partnerships

The Mall is the largest regional shopping and leisure hub in the South-West of England. 

Though our partnership with Avon and Somerset police we have been able to connect and engage this key location to the scheme adding 10 kits across the site.

Have An Enquiry?

No matter how unusual, please feel free to send them to where one of our team of advisers will get back to you!


Avon and Somerset Police have teamed up with NHS South West and defibrillator supplier HeartSafe to deliver the kits in Bristol, Somerset, Bath and Gloucestershire.

It’s hoped the kits will go some way in preventing the “tragic loss of life” on the streets.

Whilst installed as part of the police’s work to tackle the loss of life from knife crime, these kits can help anyone suffering a traumatic bleed, whether it’s a road traffic collision, fall, or other traumatic injury

They include scissors, dressings and gauze, gloves and an instruction guide.

Dr Michael Marsh

NHS, South West Medical Director

“NHS ambulance crews and trauma teams do a great job when confronted with a patient who’s losing a lot of blood, but we wanted to go further in those crucial minutes when an ambulance was still on its way. That’s why we’re so pleased to fund bleed kits, so the police and community partners can get them to the right places to save lives – many of them young”

Mike Vass

Avon and Somerset Police, Chief Inspector

“We know we cannot police our way out of serious violence, it has to be a partnership approach.

Not just between us and our partners in health and social care, but also with members of our communities who can play a key part in helping us.

We employ a number of different tactics to deal with knife crime and prevent it at the source but in the unfortunate event that a person is seriously injured, we hope that these kits will go some way to preventing tragic loss of life.”



Association of Ambulance Chief Executives

“There are a range of bleed kits available to purchase and NHS ambulance services do not endorse any specific bleed kit or products. AACE strongly recommends that all first aid and emergency equipment is easily and readily available and should be stored / kept in unlocked cabinets.”


Clive Setter


“I am pleased to announce another public safety initiative for HeartSafe, now partnering with Avon and Somerset Police assisting people suffering major blood loss wounds to receive immediate help from members of the community around them. The bleed kits will provide some initial emergency aid to those in need before an ambulance arrives at the incident and will help to avoid a potentially tragic outcome.”


We have options in regard to location placements – some of which I would look to as priorities are data led hotspots for serious violence, requested sites from Violence reduction partnership data and community requested sites.


Between Clive and myself we have the ability to install locations swiftly following the identification of sites.

I also have staff that can if needed seek building owner permissions to conduct the installs.

The Police and Heartsafe then commit to the long term maintenance and running of the sites – replacing used kits, repairing damage etc.

We also add the locations to our local Policing patrol plans so that they are checked periodically.


We are approaching 200 sites across the South West – my drive is to reach 500 by the end of this year.

If you look at our map it looks great but in reality to offer the best possible provision and protection to the public we need far greater number out there!


So great things are in motion but we need that support to continue this going forward.

Avon and Somerset Police joined up with HeartSafe and NHS England South West to install over 100 bleed kits across their force area and raise awareness.

Alongside the kits going out we have started the consultation of community training with the NHS.

In relation to this I have copied in a response that I provided to a strategic partner this morning below:


In conjunction with the A&S/Heartsafe partnership which provides 24hr unrestricted public access bleed kits (currently approaching 200 locations), we have also funded and allocated numerous advanced kits to all SIA accredited NTE staff in Bristol and Bath with collaboration from local authorities.

They have all been trained in the deployment and use of this equipment.


The charity Rapaid are also introducing basic bleed kits to 40 taxis specifically in Bristol city centre.

In development currently – I have collaborated with the head of EMD training for NHS South West. They are building a session that will deliver a training product that focusses on how someone calls into ambulance control, what they will be asked and how best to deploy a bleed kit. This training does not exist currently anywhere and is vital to maximise life saving opportunities as many untrained members of the public panic in moments of crisis.

So the final product will cover this and then how to use a bleed kit and deliver that aid to a patient whilst waiting for an ambulance.

It will be free to all and delivered via their network of 300 volunteers which are provided via charities.


There are motivated members of community that deliver bleed kit training in isolation in numerous locations around the country. These sessions are not endorsed or approved by the British medical association, NHS or ambulance service and are often with kits supplied by large multinational PPE supply companies which are profit organisations.

Community members that perform such sessions do so with all the right intentions and I admire their drive and motivation – we just need to be very cautious as to what we support with them.


The training session being produced with the NHS is done so by professionals and is backed up with appropriate resources and kit for the intended users.

My intention when ready is to offer this out to all communities, local authorities and education across the entire Avon and Somerset area.

Supported by Avon and Somerset Police

Get Involved With The Bleed Kit Scheme

This initiative aims to raise awareness about bleed control kits and make them readily accessible to give members of the public the equipment to help preserve or save lives in the event of an emergency until professional medical help arrives.


The scheme aims to raise awareness on bleed control kits.


This partnership initiative started with Avon and Somerset Police to work around violent crime – the bleed control kits are there to be used in any incident in which a person is suffering from a life-threatening bleed, whether it be a road traffic collision, fall, or another traumatic injury.


If you are interested in joining this initiative, you can get involved even if you are not in the Avon and Somerset area. 


You can do it alone... But - it might be better to get your community involved...

Your Local Police Force

Your local police force plays a vital role in endorsing and supporting this life-saving initiative. Contact your local police station or contact us, and we can facilitate an introduction. Police endorsement adds credibility and can promote the growth of community involvement.

Community Communications

Awareness is crucial for the success of the Bleed Kit Scheme. Your local police force communications can significantly amplify the reach of the campaign. We also encourage you to collaborate with businesses in your area to raise awareness about the initiative via newsletters, social media, or other channels.

Public Support

The foundation of any movement is the people behind it. Talk to neighbours, friends, and family about the importance of having immediate access to a bleed control kit. Organise local meetings, create online groups, or speak at community events to build up interest and support.

Facilitate Training

We also encourage you to host or organise workshops and training sessions for community members. Educate them on recognising life-threatening bleeding and properly using a bleed control kit. Practical knowledge can make all the difference in a critical situation.

Providing training to the public on how to use a bleed control kit can help in case of a situation involving severe bleeding. This is another reason you allow us to facilitate an introduction to your local police force… You never know – we might even be able to help you raise more money to support your community.

Our Bleed Control Kit Map

If you manage or have installed a bleed control kit at a public location, you can register this.


By listing your kit on the Bleed Kit Map:

  • You make it easily discoverable for those in urgent need.

  • It encourages others to contribute to the network of available bleed kits.

  • It demonstrates a proactive commitment to saving lives in your community.

Remember, anyone can help stop the bleed! Get trained, get involved, and make a difference today.

Update Your Bleed Kit Now

We are always looking for the most up-to-date information for our map. We therefore encourage you to complete the registration of your community Bleed Kit again if you have an update. The map will assist everyone to become familiarised with where their nearest Bleed Kit dispensers are located.

This FREE service operates by email only. If you experience any issues or have any enquiries relating to completing this form, please email

Help the country by updating your Bleed Kit on the map to ensure all Public Access Bleed Kits are easy to locate throughout the UK. Please allow 5 working days for the Bleed Kit to be added to the map.

To register your Bleed Kit, please complete the form below, including the exact location data of the position of your community Bleed Kit.

Find out more about our Bleed Kits here.