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Get Involved With The Bleed Kit Scheme

This initiative aims to raise awareness about bleed control kits and make them readily accessible to give members of the public the equipment to help preserve or save lives in the event of an emergency until professional medical help arrives.


The scheme aims to raise awareness on bleed control kits.


This partnership initiative started with Avon and Somerset Police to work around violent crime – the bleed control kits are there to be used in any incident in which a person is suffering from a life-threatening bleed, whether it be a road traffic collision, fall, or another traumatic injury.


If you are interested in joining this initiative, you can get involved even if you are not in the Avon and Somerset area. 


You can do it alone... But - it might be better to get your community involved...

Your Local Police Force

Your local police force plays a vital role in endorsing and supporting this life-saving initiative. Contact your local police station or contact us, and we can facilitate an introduction. Police endorsement adds credibility and can promote the growth of community involvement.

Community Communications

Awareness is crucial for the success of the Bleed Kit Scheme. Your local police force communications can significantly amplify the reach of the campaign. We also encourage you to collaborate with businesses in your area to raise awareness about the initiative via newsletters, social media, or other channels.

Public Support

The foundation of any movement is the people behind it. Talk to neighbours, friends, and family about the importance of having immediate access to a bleed control kit. Organise local meetings, create online groups, or speak at community events to build up interest and support.

Facilitate Training

We also encourage you to host or organise workshops and training sessions for community members. Educate them on recognising life-threatening bleeding and properly using a bleed control kit. Practical knowledge can make all the difference in a critical situation.

Providing training to the public on how to use a bleed control kit can help in case of a situation involving severe bleeding. This is another reason you allow us to facilitate an introduction to your local police force… You never know – we might even be able to help you raise more money to support your community.

Our Bleed Control Kit Map

If you manage or have installed a bleed control kit at a public location, you can register this.


By listing your kit on the Bleed Kit Map:

  • You make it easily discoverable for those in urgent need.

  • It encourages others to contribute to the network of available bleed kits.

  • It demonstrates a proactive commitment to saving lives in your community.

Remember, anyone can help stop the bleed! Get trained, get involved, and make a difference today.